The contraction monitor died today. We are not sure what happened to it, but it died. I guess the triplets wore the machine out. The gal just dropped off a new one. We are continuing the regimen as prescribed. Nicole is growing more tired day by day. it is really hard for her to move around too much at this point.
We received a nice package from Nicole's Uncle John and Aunt Jean in Minnesota. There were a lot of nice items for the babies. Thank you very much for the gifts. The blankets will keep the babies very warm.
Nicole goes to the endocrinologist tomorrow. Blood sugars have been running very good.
I will try to keep you all updated.
nikki this is nora miller josh millers mom iam sooo happy for you and your husband what beautifull blessing god loves the number 3 he died on friday rose on sunday what a beautifull story raise them in the fear of the lord and they will be blessed all the days of there lives i will keep all of you lifted in prayer god bless,,,