Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Eve.................

We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. We spent a good part of the evening sleeping, but then the trio decided we should party a little. Luckily we all woke up just before the ball was to drop and watched it. I hope everyone enjoys the photos of the little ones in their New Year caps.

Olivia goes again this week for a follow up on her eyes. The Dr. doesn't think she will need another type of operation on her eyes, but he said if he knew for sure he would not be having us come back. So they will continue to monitor her eyes to make sure that the retina does not begin to pull up off the wall of the eye. We have found another concern with Olivia, with her left hand pinkie finger. We thought it was cute that she would hold her little pinkie out, but recently realized that she does not really bend the finger at all. It seems that she has no motor control in that finger. We are going to have Dr. Freshwater evaluate it and see what we should do. We probably won't know how much function she will have until she gets older. Please be thinking of little Olivia.


  1. My how quickly they grow! Drinking age already! Time just flies!


  2. Too cute!!! They are ALL adorable!! We will keep Olivia in our prayers!!


Our first picture of the kids.

Our first picture of the kids.
3 little peas in a pod

Everyone is doing it!

Everyone is doing it!
Everything is better in three's.


Ethan at 25 weeks. 2lb 1 oz


Evan at 25 weeks. 2lb


Olivia at 25 weeks. 1lb 11oz

The trial run in the car!

The trial run in the car!
They all fit...........whew!!!!!!!!!

New double stroller

New double stroller
Harold with the new double stroller.
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