Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cereal for the boys.................

The trio went for their four month check-up on Tuesday this week, they are all doing really good according to Dr. Freshwater. Evan is 13 lb 7 oz, Ethan 13 lb 6 oz, and Olivia is 10 lb 1 oz. He gave us the OK to start the boys with rice cereal. He wants us to wait for Olivia for a little bit longer. He said they are actually catching up to a normal full term baby quite well. As you can tell from the above picture, Evan absolutely loved the cereal. Ethan did well too, but not as messy with it surprisingly. We don't go back for two months.
After the appointment Tuesday, we went with the trio to Max and Erma's for dinner. They did really well on our 3rd trip to a restaurant. They slept for the most part. The boys were awake for a little while, but slept the majority of the time. We naturally got stared at. A fact of life that we are going to have to get used to. Someone told me we should get T-shirts printed that say, YES! They are triplets, YES! We wanted them, and YES! We can tell them apart. The last is funny to me since we have two boys and a girl.
The kids are getting so long. They are moving to larger size clothes merely for the length. There is only an inch between them all with Ethan being the longest followed by Evan and finally Olivia.
Gloria (Nicole's Grandma) is doing very well with the babies in the day time. They have worked out a nice time schedule for themselves.

On an odd note for all the dads that have to do the dishes at their house, invest in the Dawn Power Brush. It is an absolute lifesaver. Takes all the work on. We received one as a gift and I don't know how I did dishes before without it. It doesn't make doing the dishes fun, but it sure does make it a whole lot easier. And with the triplets, we can always use items that make life easier for us.

Nicole pointed out to me that I sometimes repeat myself in my postings. I forget what I posted the last time and realize now that I occasionally re post the same thing. New things are always going on but sometimes with all that is going on it gets difficult to keep everything straight all of the time.

Update on Ethan crossing his eyes, Dr. Rosenthal said, "that is a good thing as long as he doesn't hold them that way for a long time or they stay that way." He also said, "Ethan has realized he has two eyes and that he is more developed."

The video is of Evan and how he has found his thumb. They are all learning and exploring the world around them so much. The other night I read from Mother Goose to the boys (Olivia was sleeping) for quite awhile. They just sat for the longest time listening to me read the stories to them. After some time it was time to fuss. That ended the reading session.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My, cereal and a thumb!! This posting was the best one ever..using the high chair seats!!

    But, we look forward to each and every detailed update. What a Blessing.

    Keeep up the good work!!! Thanks again.


Our first picture of the kids.

Our first picture of the kids.
3 little peas in a pod

Everyone is doing it!

Everyone is doing it!
Everything is better in three's.


Ethan at 25 weeks. 2lb 1 oz


Evan at 25 weeks. 2lb


Olivia at 25 weeks. 1lb 11oz

The trial run in the car!

The trial run in the car!
They all fit...........whew!!!!!!!!!

New double stroller

New double stroller
Harold with the new double stroller.
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