Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sweet little Olivia.

Funny face

Bullies wouldn't let the princess sleep.

Mischevious boys!!!!

Sleeping with bottle in hand.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I haven't looked at the blog in a while, and the clan has gotten SO BIG! I can't believe the progress they've made. I enjoy looking at all the pictures, and find the captions so entertaining! I loved the zoo pictures and Olivia in her swimsuit! So cute! Glad that the triplets are doing so well!

    Kim H.
    Toledo Children's


Our first picture of the kids.

Our first picture of the kids.
3 little peas in a pod

Everyone is doing it!

Everyone is doing it!
Everything is better in three's.


Ethan at 25 weeks. 2lb 1 oz


Evan at 25 weeks. 2lb


Olivia at 25 weeks. 1lb 11oz

The trial run in the car!

The trial run in the car!
They all fit...........whew!!!!!!!!!

New double stroller

New double stroller
Harold with the new double stroller.
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