Sunday, September 12, 2010

It was a loooooong 2 weeks........................

This past week was very long and didn't leave much time for any blogging. I found time this morning at 6:30 am to give an update. I do have one accomplice with me at this early hour. He wants to help so much.

Back to the week in review. We are planning a trip to Florida the first week of October. Nicole's grandmother has decided to put the Florida house up for sale and no one has been to the place over the last two winter season's. The place needs so Spring cleaning before the sign goes in the yard. So in an effort to help with the costs of going, we decided to sell the clothes from the trio that we have. We kept some of the clothes that we absolutely want. Nicole's mother had planned a garage sale for the weekend and we decided to put our stuff in also. Last Monday after work we loaded to go to Dunkirk to price and get ready for the big sale. Tuesday was a stay home day to catch up on stuff from the previous weekend since we didn't get caught up on Monday. Wednesday I was down in Dayton for a continuing ed class for work, and didn't get home until 7:30 at night. Unfortunately we didn't get everything prepared on Monday for the big sale and had to go back to Dunkirk to finish. Friday Morning I had to spend half of the day in another office of ours giving some training on computer work that we do. Nicole worked late everyday this week. We decided there are not enough hours in the day. We helped out with the garage sale yesterday.

After the sale we decided to go to Lima over to Toys R Us, because they are having a great trade in event. For every item you trade in, you got 25% off a car seat. Luckily we had 3 car seats that people have given us for the trade in event. That saved a ton of money. On the way home we had three little ones melting down in the backseat. We stopped at Speedway in Beaverdam for a diaper change, pajamas, and bottles. Unfortunately we could not do bottles, because dad forgot extra nipples and mixing containers for the formula.

That was last week and this week, I had another class in Dayton to attend. The work around the house has went to the wayside and our curb appeal is nothing to be desired. This weekend provided us with the time to catch up on yard work,housework, laundry, and other tasks. Nicole spends most week nights working til midnight. Work, work, work. No one ever said getting older was fun.

The kids are growing and learning by leaps and bounds. We have all three crawling and getting into everything. We have had many bumped and bruised heads over the past couple of weeks. Olivia has a nice bruise on her head and Evan will most likely have a nice bruise after today on his head. Ethan continues to just barrel over anything and anyone to get what he wants. We are working on Mama and Dada, Baba, yum. Olivia and Evan are doing well. Ethan not as much. It is probably largely because they have a secret language amongst themselves. The other night I was putting the boys to bed. Evan is laying down and Ethan and I are rocking. Olivia is in the living room with Nicole and is making a lot of noise. Evan stands up and starts answering her. I swear he knew what she was saying and would respond. Then Ethan begins to chime in.

I started this posting this morning and I am just now finishing. Anyhow, the post is starting to get long and more stuff to get done.

1 comment:

Our first picture of the kids.

Our first picture of the kids.
3 little peas in a pod

Everyone is doing it!

Everyone is doing it!
Everything is better in three's.


Ethan at 25 weeks. 2lb 1 oz


Evan at 25 weeks. 2lb


Olivia at 25 weeks. 1lb 11oz

The trial run in the car!

The trial run in the car!
They all fit...........whew!!!!!!!!!

New double stroller

New double stroller
Harold with the new double stroller.
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