Saturday, October 31, 2009

The latest and greatest..................

Ethan is off of the vent and is only on nasal cannula. Hooray!!!!!!!! They are all doing very well. They are tolerating their feedings very good. Surprisingly Ethan is the best eater so far. Nicole's milk has came in and we are pumping like crazy. That is a full time job in itself.

We did get into the Ronald McDonald house. They provide you with a room and bathroom. Meals, laundry service, Internet, and all the amenities of home are provided free of charge. I encourage everyone to donate to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northwest Ohio or in your local community. It takes nearly $500,o00 to operate the house yearly. They have taken a burden off of our shoulders. The house is located right next to the hospital and will transport back and forth between. It's a true blessing to have such a service available to parents for children in the hospital. Again, I encourage EVERYONE to donate to this charity. They also collect soda pull tabs, if you prefer save those tabs and send them to Ronald McDonald house.

When all the kids are off the tubes and IVs we are going to put a picture up of all of them together for everyone to see. Hopefully that will happen in the next week.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Olivia Lucille Camper

Evan Charles Camper

Ethan Paul Camper

The latest..............

Ethan is still on the vent. They are hoping to back him off of it sometime tomorrow. Evan and Olivia are continuing to do well. As promised I have pictures. Don't let all the tubes scare you, they are scarier than they really are. I hope you all enjoy the photos.

The latest..............

The babies are doing good. Ethan is still on vent but hopefully will come off today. Evan still continuing to breath room air. Olivia is on nasal cannula. Evan and Olivia are jaundiced and are under special lights. Ethan is slightly jaundiced but doesn't require any treatment at this time.

Nicole is being evaluated for a possible blood clot in her leg. They completed a doppler and we are waiting for the results.

I didn't make it home last night to post any pictures. I am going home tonight and will post some pictures.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The latest news about the babies...........

Olivia was extubated and is breathing with a nasal cannula. Evan is breathing on room air only. Ethan was struggling and had to be intubated. They are all receiving outstanding care in the NICU.

Nicole is recovering from the C-section but the bedrest has taken its toll on her body. I think her recovery may take a little longer than anticipated.

Otherwise we are continuing our stay in the hospital. Nicole will be here until at least Wednesday possibly even Thursday. The babies will be here for an undetermined amount of time.

The room number here at the hospital is room 376. The NICU is totally restricted to visitors. Only parents and grandparents with parent supervision. What a role reversal. We are going to try to get set-up with the Ronald McDonald House, which is across the street once Nicole is discharged.

We hope that she will have a speedy recovery and our babies will get to come home soon.

the middle names.................

So I am getting questioned about the middle names, so here they are:

Ethan Paul
Evan Charles
Olivia Lucille

They each received their own personal first name and the middle names are from Nicole and I's grandparents. We wanted to intergrate some family history in the names.


Everyone is doing fantastic. Nicole is absolutely exhausted. Ethan did not need a vent,he is doing better with the breathing. Olivia will receive more meds for the lungs and possibly will get off the vent later today. Evan is just hanging out over there. I just left from over there and the nurse said Evan was very long but when she seen me she understood.

Everyone here has been fantastic. The Dr's, nurses, and staff have been spectacular.

Will try to get some pics loaded as soon as I can. I am updating from the blackberry.

The arrival.............

The babies were born October 25th, 2009. Ethan was born at 11:50 PM, weighing 4lb 4oz. Evan was born at 11;51 PM, weighing 4lb, 2oz. Olivia was born at 11;52 PM, weighing 3lb 5 oz.

Olivia is on a vent but is doing very well. Evan is on c-pap along with Ethan. Ethan may be going on vent, but won't know until they continue tests.

It has been a long day and I am going to try to get some rest.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 6...............

This is day 6 in the hospital. They decided to hold off on the CAT scan, but they are giving the maximum dose of heparin. This will help prevent any clots from forming. Dr. Hnat was in today and said anytime she is ready to start contracting they are ready to deliver. They are doing another rescue dose of the steroids. We were told they don't really know how much rescue doses help at this point but they don't hurt anything either. Nicole has been getting all kinds of injections today. She is now allowed to get up and walk around. She asked if she could go to the mall, but he said no. He offered the gift shop. She is going to walk down there in a little while. Will have another update later.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day five...........

This is day five of the hospital stay. They completed biophysical profiling this morning. All the babies received all of their points. Nicole has been having some shortness of breath, they are suppose to do a CAT scan to check for blood clots. We have not heard anymore about it.

Friday, October 23, 2009


This is day four in the hospital. No babies yet. They would like to get her to 34 weeks. The staff here at the hospital have been very good. The Dr's want Nicole's visitors kept to a minimum and when they do come of a short duration.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The latest news about us.................

The latest news about us is Nicole has been admitted to the hospital. She went in Tuesday because she woke up in the early morning with bad back pain. We monitored and she had had five contractions. We waited some time and monitored again with three contractions. The back pain not really leaving up at all. Once the Dr. office opened we called and they suggested monitoring for another hour to see what that showed. We did, and she had ten contractions. They instructed us to go directly to Toledo and get evaluated. She has been evaluated and the contractions have seemed to slow way down. We don't know if she will be there until the end or if she may get to come home. Hopefully we will find out tomorrow. Tomorrow also happens to be week 32. Yet another milestone in our journey.

I would have liked to update you all sooner, but the computer I was using at the hospital wouldn't allow me to log into the blog to put any updates. So there may be a delay in information. I came home tonight because I am going to work tomorrow. Will try to have more information updated when I can.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Endo appt................

Nicole received a good report from the endocrinologist today. I think Dr. Schroeder really likes Nikki. She said he was really cracking her up today. Tomorrow she has an appointment with the Findlay OB. She is monitoring right now. She monitors for contractions twice a day for an hour a piece.

Only three days until 32 weeks. Who would of thought that we would make it this far?

Will give update tomorrow. Good Night!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Contraction monitor............

The contraction monitor died today. We are not sure what happened to it, but it died. I guess the triplets wore the machine out. The gal just dropped off a new one. We are continuing the regimen as prescribed. Nicole is growing more tired day by day. it is really hard for her to move around too much at this point.

We received a nice package from Nicole's Uncle John and Aunt Jean in Minnesota. There were a lot of nice items for the babies. Thank you very much for the gifts. The blankets will keep the babies very warm.

Nicole goes to the endocrinologist tomorrow. Blood sugars have been running very good.

I will try to keep you all updated.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Nicole had an appointment with Dr. Perkins Friday. It was for a check-up. She is still mildly pre-eclamptic. The two main criteria for pre-e is increased BP and wacky labs. BP is looking good and labs are all within normal range. They will be completing blood work bi-weekly and have 24 hour urinalysis weekly.

We are only five days away from 32 weeks. According to the Dr's if everything is OK we will be going past 32 weeks. We never thought we would make it this far, but we have. Way back in the beginning we expected to have babies very early. Thanks to all the prayers and good thoughts that didn't occur. God is truly an awesome God. It is through him that we have made it through this ordeal.

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as our pregnancy journey is not yet complete. We appreciate all the people that have left comments and sent us cards and such in the mail.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Post Dr. appt...............

Nicole went to the Blood pressure elevated, we are still looking at preeclampsia as the diagnosis. She had more blood work today and it will be monitored very closely. If it begins to progress anymore the only treatment for preeclampsia is delivery. I have a strange feeling that it is going to be next week. I don't know why, but it is the feeling I am having. I had thought we would have two boys and one girl and that was true. So you never know.

The biophysical profiling was a challenge today, they didn't want to wake up and they are getting very crowded for space. However, they passed. We return to see Dr. on Friday, but will probably find out about blood work tomorrow.

Nicole had an experience today, she dropped her phone on the floor and it went under the bed. She somehow managed to get on the floor and get the phone. She said she laid on the floor for awhile before she actually got up.

Monday, October 12, 2009

10 days................

Today is only ten days from 32 weeks. Nicole grows more uncomfortable day by day. The stomach has some fierce stretch marks on it. Pretty gruesome! She is really starting to struggle. She'll make it though, she's tough.

Tomorrow she has two appointments, one to meet with Dr. Schutz and the other for biophysical profiling.

I moved the office out of Olivia's room tonight. Time Warner wanted to charge me nearly $70.00 all together to move the road runner from her room to the living room. I moved it for the cost of the wire, at first I didn't think I could but it worked out. And think of the money I saved. This is beginning to sound like a commercial for car insurance.

I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. There is pretty much no food in this house. Nicole wanted grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner, but no cheese. She is having hamburger helper now.

Will have another update tomorrow, but it will probably be late before I get to it. I have biochem tomorrow night. Talk to you all soon.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


It has been awhile since I have last posted. This past week has had its ups and downs. We had an appointment with Dr. Sunderji on October 7th. He thought Nikki was developing preeclampsia due to her increased blood pressure and slightly swollen face. He directly admitted her to Blanchard Valley. She spent a day and a half there. Preeclampsia is not being ruled out completely, we could just be in the early stages. She now has to meet with Dr. Schutz twice a week. They are continuing to do the biophysical profiling weekly.

The babies are doing well. Ethan is 3 lbs 5 0z, Evan 3 lbs 4 oz, and little Olivia is 2 lbs 9 oz. She is still small but is hanging in there.

We are continuing to get things in order for the babies. Christina is continuing to wash and put clothes away. We continue to receive blessings from our family and friends. Our friends Dan and April sent us a wonderful package for the babies. Thank you very much.

Another thanks to Vernon and Doris from our church , who sent home lunch for us today. It was very tasty. I can't tell you how much this helps me out. It takes one worry away from me. I am sure it is a struggle for all of you to decide, "What's for dinner?". I know it is for us.

I will continue to update you all with what is happening with us. I know I fell behind this week. I try to put something up daily.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Belly picture...............

Nikki's belly looks much bigger in person than it does in this photo. I am sure anyone that has seen her in the last couple of weeks would agree. We go to Toledo tomorrow to meet with the specialist. Hopefully she will get lucky again and get to come home.

Finally a photo.................

A quick update before I am off to work, the appointment went well yesterday. All three of the babies received all their points on the profiling. Oh, and here is a picture of the belly. Enjoy, it will probably be the only one you get!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

18 days to 32 weeks......

Dr. Sunderji told us that he seen no reason we would not make it to 32 weeks. It will be 32 weeks in 18 days. I thought I wanted this to go past 32 weeks, but I am not sure about that anymore. Nikki's ear infection is back in the right ear. I think I am ready for the babies to be here and for her to have her body return to normal. This entire process has been an experience and I have helped Nikki with tasks that most guys wouldn't even think of. I guess all those years working in the nursing home are paying off. Who would of thought? Tomorrow more biophysical profiling and a follow up appointment with Dr. Freshwater for the ears. Will have another posting tomorrow to let everyone know the status.

Friday, October 2, 2009

29 weeks........

Yesterday marked 29 weeks for us. In 20 days it will be 32 weeks, which is our target goal. Our sister-in-law (Christina) came and organized some clothes for us tonight. She washed, folded, and put away the items. We still have a lot of work to do, but every bit of time someone volunteers really helps us out.

Our first picture of the kids.

Our first picture of the kids.
3 little peas in a pod

Everyone is doing it!

Everyone is doing it!
Everything is better in three's.


Ethan at 25 weeks. 2lb 1 oz


Evan at 25 weeks. 2lb


Olivia at 25 weeks. 1lb 11oz

The trial run in the car!

The trial run in the car!
They all fit...........whew!!!!!!!!!

New double stroller

New double stroller
Harold with the new double stroller.
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