Sunday, March 28, 2010

An early Easter gift.................

Olivia has rolled from her back to her stomach and vice versa. Evan has rolled from his stomach to his back, but is close to rolling the other way. Ethan is not really interested in rolling yet.
We hope you enjoy our new photos. In a couple of weeks we will have more pictures taken with our cousins Aidan and Alex. So check back for more videos and pictures.

Evan talking......................

Our home visiting nurse.................

This was Marty's last visit with us.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

WE ARE HUNGRY...............................

As you can see the babies are patiently waiting for their evening cereal and applesauce.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Can I borrow this............................

Ethan is not fond of his sister borrowing his hand.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day...................

Evan has found his thumb and really likes it. :(
Hello everyone.

Hollywood Diva!!!!!

Luck of the Irish !?!

Little Leprechauns

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Final synagis shots....................

Ethan, Evan, and Olivia all received their final Synagis shots this afternoon. Soon we will have a picture of them with our visiting nurse Marty for all to see. Most likely tomorrow. Our insurance ended up paying for more doses of the medication than we first thought they would. I don't believe they were suppose to but they did. You probably wouldn't get that with government run health care. That is a totally different blog!

The little ones are continuing to eat the applesauce and cereal. Evan likes the applesauce a little more than the cereal I think. I don't think he knew there was anything better until he had applesauce.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Applesauce for the first time..................

The little Camper's tried applesauce for the first time today. They really liked it. Olivia is going Thursday to get another follow-up on her eyes. I am sure they will continue to be doing well. Hopefully soon we won't have to continue taking her to these appointments.
We have been very lucky over the winter months to avoid illnesses for the most part. Other than one weekend when Evan and Olivia had a little bout of the flu, we have stayed rather healthy over the past few months.
Nicole and I are already beginning to plan their first birthday party. I know it seems early, but October will be here in no time at all. March is half over already. We are preparing for a BIG BIG gathering and celebration.
Will continue to have updates and photos.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Feeding time at the Camper's....................


Can anyone tell me the easiest way to get this thing in?

Sunday afternoon.....................

Who's a Happy Camper?

This is mom and dad's favorite shirt!!!!

Should be on the front page of the Sunday paper...............

Olivia loves the cereal!!!!!

New head band and she thinks she is high class.

Sunday morning delight.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A walk outside.....................

Waiting to go on our walk.

In our transportation!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Olivia is already relying on her brother for protection.

We told the kids about the Crucifixion of Jesus and Ethan is acting the story out.

We really enjoy Ethan's new mobile. While we were watching the mobile go round and round, Dad was putting up a new blind and curtain.

Ethan has decided to taste the play mat.

Our first picture of the kids.

Our first picture of the kids.
3 little peas in a pod

Everyone is doing it!

Everyone is doing it!
Everything is better in three's.


Ethan at 25 weeks. 2lb 1 oz


Evan at 25 weeks. 2lb


Olivia at 25 weeks. 1lb 11oz

The trial run in the car!

The trial run in the car!
They all fit...........whew!!!!!!!!!

New double stroller

New double stroller
Harold with the new double stroller.
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